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About Us


Redemption Community World Ministries, Inc. is a worldwide denominational ministry that was established as  a denominational religion in the State of New York on May 18th,  1996. The church's teachings are   enshrouded in the kingdom building philosophy that  our   Savior Jesus Christ taught when was on this earth.  

The church was founded by Bishop Gatty James, an ardent historian and biblical scholar as a community oriented,  need-based  Christian Church for the purpose of preaching Jesus' kingdom building concept of human  deliverance to all peoples, all systems and organizations throughout the world. Bishop James was inspired to  build RCWM as an instrument by which humans could be informed of ways  by which they could build spiritual lives through their own actions, as they attempt to meet their spiritual and physical needs. 

With its international headquarters located in New York City, RCWM is strategically positioned to  deliver its message that through Christ, things are possible, to  the four corners of the world. Our underlying message is that each kingdom in which people abide in the world and their  peoples  is filled with capacities  with which they could implement their own spiritual deliverance. Implemented love of such entities for one another, however, is the basis by which entities can maximize their capacities.

We believe that we must help make the dreams of humans real.  The organization accomplishes this task by  promoting  Jesus' method of Kingdom building the he gave to the world more than two thousand years ago.

RCWM sees the church as a fundamental agent for meeting the spiritual and physical need of human beings as portrayed in the Exodus story of the bible It is an entity that can only be of benefit to people if that entity visualizes you as part of itself. This visualization must not be patronizing, abstract or superficial.  Instead, it must be action oriented, kingdom-based and proven as God demands of us.


The Church

RCWM is its members, who are committed to implement Jesus' teachings of kingdom unity as the medium through which their  transformation would be effected.   As God’s messenger, the Church promotes this concept of human deliverance among humans from all walks of life, countries, faiths and beliefs.  This Kingdom method of the deliverance of all mankind, which is enshrouded in  Jesus' first commandment, that  humans should  love one another as he loved us all, to the extent that he was willing to die for us, is what Christ said should be preached to all the world, before he returns to this world.


The Institute










































In 2001 after seeing the need to implement its messages of hope and  love to all peoples, the Board of Trustees of Redemption Community World Ministries Inc., mandated that Redemption Institute of Theology be created. 

The Purpose of the Institute is to  prepare ministers, deacons and teachers and members of RCWM  to carry   our  message to the rest of the world.  Our Institute is strictly non accredited and is designed only to prepare  the leadership of our Church to preach  out theology of human deliverance which echoes that of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially as such relate to human deliverance through their adoption of  his method of kingdom building.


Outreach Center

 Redemption Quality of Life Center is the outreach arm of RCWM. The Center provides ongoing support to families and youth in crisis, in inner city communities, particularly in the Ease New York/Brownsville areas of New York City, its five boroughs,  the rest of the United States and the world, by which such entities could enhance their life qualities.  Since its inception, the entity has been fulfilling its purpose by providing  hungry families with food through its food pantry program.  The entity also operates as a valuable family intervention mechanism through which children, youth and adults and families are provided with information through which they could better their lives. For more information on our outreach activities go to




The President Speaks

I feel a special sense of joy to be able

 to participate in the implement of

 RCWM, an instrument through which

 those who are poor, downtrodden

 and in need could learn how to

 enhance their life qualities. 

To me, this is directly in keeping with

 the reason why Christ came to this

 earth over two thousand years ago.

 Like Jesus, we must all be willing to

 live, not for ourselves alone but for


By His recruitment of His disciples

 when He began His work on this

 earth, Christ showed that we must

 build through others.

Without others, we are doomed to

 fail, and therefore, we must help to

build others as the basis by which, by

 God's grace, will be able to build


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